Microwave Power Transfer Symposium concept came this past summer when
Darel Preble and I were brainstorming ways to generate some interest in
space solar power. Actually, I was initially interested in learning more
about this topic, since most of my activity in microwave power transfer
has come from very low powered field of sensors and RFID. After
inheriting the senior-level Antenna
Engineering in Fall 2011, which was coincident with the graduate Fall
Satellite Communication & Navigation Systems class, we decided to do
a mini-symposium on Microwave Power Transfer.
With a standing-room audience of over 60 very attentive attendees, Dr.
Little delivered an excellent culminating talk on Microwave power
transfer. His slides for "Opportunities and Challenges in Wireless Power
Transmission" as well as the design project posters from both classes are included in the MPT Proceedings at Propagation Lab.
The seven graduate student teams in ECE6390, Satellite design, were given a detailed class
project description to design a Space Solar
Power System using microwave power to beam GigaWatts back to electric power utility rectennas on Earth. Darel
Preble invited Dr. Frank Little from Texas A&M's Space Engineering
Research Center, who gave a truly excellent one hour keynote on Space
Solar Power. Everyone had a good time over pizza reviewing and admiring all the projects in both project tracks.
The seniors in Antenna Engineering, ECE4370
, would work on 5.8 GHz
energy-harvesting antennas and charge pumps that would be used in a fun
competition for the longest distance for receiving transmitted energy to
light a diode from a 1 watt transmitter. The results of their
excellent project shootout were: Group 1 won out with a range of 4
feet, narrowly beating out Group 3's range of 3.5 feet. It should be
noted that the combination of Group 1's charge pump with Group 3's antenna resulted in an extremely impressive range of 9 feet!
Special thanks to Darel Preble for his determination and willingness to
promote the symposium, to Blake Marshall and Marcin Morys for running
the rectenna competition, to Dr. Frank Little and to all the
participants. Well done, everyone!
Keep Shooting for those Stars!
Prof. Gregory D. Durgin
Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
General Chair: Darel Preble, Space Solar Power Institute
Executive Chair: Gregory D. Durgin, Georgia Tech Propagation Group
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Frank Little, Texas A&M, Space Engineering Research Center,
Competition Co-chairs: Blake Marshall and Marcin Morys, Georgia Tech
Special Thanks to Chris Valenta, ECE 6390 class, ECE 4370 class, Prof. Narayanan Komerath